I'm LEINA, working with a human rights NGO. My understanding of commitment to life related subjects enriches this site with thought-provoking articles. Beyond the atelier, my passions flourish as a health-mindfulness and a culinary enthusiast. Join me on a journey where style meets substance, with stories unfold to reveal the chapters of a life adorned with literary grace.

medical usage of CBD oil

CBD Oil & Medicines: Transform your Health in Controlled Legal way

What is CBD Oil Cannabidiol (CBD) is the major non-psychotomimetic compound (i.e., does not mimic the symptoms of psychosis), derived from cannabis, which is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world, grown by humans. It is the second most abundant active ingredient in cannabis, or the hemp plant (scientific name- Cannabis sativa). Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),…

How do you Meditate properly to think and grow rich ?

How do you Meditate to think and grow rich in 2024

What is Meditation Meditation is a transformative practice that enhances mental clarity, reduces stress, and promotes overall well-being. It involves focused attention, mindfulness, and deep breathing techniques.  This is an ancient art, that helps alleviate anxiety, improve concentration, and boosts creativity. From guided meditation to mindfulness exercises, the benefits are innumerable. Its focused and controlled…

The mysterious facts of Meditation and healing in 21st Century

The Amazing mysterious facts of Meditation and Healing in 21st Century

Revealing the Mystery: 21st-Century Meditation and Healing Meditation has been associated with mysteries, for generations, having been used by yogis and monks to achieve enlightenment and inner serenity. But in the twenty-first century, this age-old method is peeling back its ethereal veil to unveil a wealth of possibilities for mental and physical recovery. Here, let’s…

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