About Us

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Welcome to INFOTREND TIMES, designed to quench your thirst for knowledge and staying informed of cool trends! We’re passionate about bringing abreast trends of Science, Technology, and Lifestyle .

Whether you’re a science geek, a tech enthusiast, or an art lover, INFOTREND TIMES is your place to connect. We try and present an immersive experience through articles and stories to spark intellect, nourish your well-being, and ignite your motivation!

⚛️ Science is the cornerstone of our understanding of the universe. Through our articles, you’ll delve into the breakthroughs in Science. Whether you’re a student or a casual enthusiast, our content is crafted to ignite your curiosity and expand your knowledge of knowing things.

💡Technology is rapidly shaping the world we live in. From gadgets to  emerging technologies, we’ll keep you informed and ahead of the curve. We bring forth stories of tech-innovations, and explore the ever-evolving digital landscape.

🏠Lifestyle covers range of topics, from health and wellness tips to cultural trends, as life is much more than just science and technology. Explore fitness-to-fashion, health-to-hobbies, and Mindful, wellness and actionable tips for a lively life.

Our mission is to empower you! Through insightful articles, we help you navigate this dynamic world and make informed decisions. Life is a journey, and we’re here to inspire and inform you of new things. Read stories of above categories, Web-Stories and Blogs that will fuel your Motivation and drive of Life.

TEAM Profile

Meet SARK.S, the creative force behind INFOTREND TIMES, which kicked-off because of his love for science & arts alike. He’s fascinated by the ever-evolving technology and respects its potential to transform our world, and aims to- democratize access to trend info’s in an interesting way, develop a community, and educate by shared endeavor.

Site Owner SARK

With a flair for fashion quality analysis and design, he brings a unique perspective to the world of content creation, too. As a seasoned fashion analyst pro, he has an eye for trends and a knack for storytelling that keeps readers engaged.

But Sark’s interests extend far beyond the world of fashion. In his free time, he cherishes the realms of technology, amateur radio and music, earning him the title of a Tech-Nerd. From tinkering with gadgets to exploring the latest advancements in AI, and computers, Sark’s curiosity knows no bounds.

Assisting Sark are two expert wordsmiths who bring their own expertise to the table. First up is KRIS, a graduate in computer science  and Graphic Designer with a passion for content research and writing. With his keen insights and enthusiasm for technology, the website stays at the forefront of the latest tech trends and innovations.


Along KRIS, our other writer is LEINA, with a master’s degree in humanity spends her time with a human rights NGO. Her deep understanding of her forte and commitment to life related subjects enriches INFOTREND TIMES with thought-provoking articles.

Together, the trio form a dynamic team dedicated to delivering informative and trend-setting content to readers on worldwide web. Whether you’re interested in AI, space, computers, or the health counsel, this is your digital destination.


Through INFOTREND TIMES, we aspires to ignite a passion for Science-tech and Life trends, empowering individuals to become active participants in the ongoing quest for novelties. By infusing curiosity and engagement, we hope to contribute to a world where science, Life and its trends are not only appreciated but also embraced as integral facet of our learnings.

Knowledge is not meant to be confined within the walls of academia or the labs. Instead, it is a powerful tool that has the capacity to inspire, empower, and unite people from all walks of life, specially today, just at a click away distance.


Address: INFOTREND TIMES, 102, RNT Road, Kolkata, WB, IN, Pin:700103

Emails: contact@infotrendtimes.com

Mobile: +91- 9831207836

OUR MOTTO: Respect universal nature, stay informed, & be motivated for Leading Insightful Lives!

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