By: Joshie Krish
Coffee's key ingredient, caffeine, improves alertness, focus, and cognitive function. Studies suggest it can enhance memory and reaction time.
More than half of Americans drink coffee everyday. The average consumption for a person in the US & Europe is 5.1kg per year.
Apart from Caffeine it contains different chemicals, including carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogenous compounds, vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, & phenolic compounds, too.
Apart from Caffeine it contains different chemicals, including carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogenous compounds, vitamins, minerals, alkaloids, & phenolic compounds, too.
Interestingly, with regular moderate coffee intake of 1 cup daily, the risk of Suicides have decreased by 13% annually worldwide!
Coffee has also been shown to improve endurance performance in long-duration physical activities.
Caffeine intake hould not exceed300mg/day by a pregnant women, to avoid impaired foetal growth & even spontaneous abortion.
Coffee is the number one diet source of antioxidants countries like USA, Italy, Spain & Norway. Chlorogenic acid is one of the major strong antioxidant compounds in coffee.
Long & regular consumption reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, Parkinson’s, & Alzheimer’s disease
Doctors don't recommend coffee for patient’s with cardiac arrhythmia. Frequent consumption increases BP. More than 2–3 cups/day Caffeine leads to decreased calcium absorption & leads to osteoporosis in elders.
Caffeine ingestion in children increases risk of altered behavior including nervousness & anxiety. Intake of 2.5mg/kg body weight/day should be an upper limit in children
Coffee crushed from beans always have fresher, richer aroma & taste. For a more flavorful and enjoyable coffee experience, freshly ground beans are the way to go!